It is hard to believe how fast time is flying. I can't wait to meet this son of mine. To see what he looks like. To hold him in my arms. In just a few short weeks he will be here! Although most of me is SO ready for him to be here, I'm still trying to cherish these last few weeks being pregnant and having just Bobby and I in the house. And I'm trying to enjoy him stretching in there, getting to feel his little feet poke out the side of my belly! What a little miracle!
As time has gone on I look back to when we first found out we were pregnant and then when we found out we were having a boy. It seems like so long ago! With 3 weeks to go, I cannot imagine being at the early stage of my pregnancy. I'm ready for all this anticipation to be over. I have thought about it so much and realized I cannot possibly understand what it is like until it is here. Oh for understanding!
As far as pregnancy updates, I think that his size is starting to take it's toll on my body. My rings no longer fit... neither do any of my clothes. I feel like I wear the same thing over and over... which means I do laundry all the time!! I guess that is something to get used to!!
I have gotten a hand full of meals in the freezer now! Yay! I want to get a few more made up before he gets here... we'll see how that goes!
And the count down is on....
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Easter Weekend.
With a nice long weekend ahead of us, we got to kick it off the way we like! We hauled heifers to a new lease place {all the way in Central Texas}, so we got heifers up the night before we left. We had them in the pens and were just looking at them. This is what the dogs do...
Sweet Sage was interested in what was going on, too!
We left the next morning (Friday) and headed East. It was such a pleasant drive with half the trip green and lush with wildflowers everywhere. I spent the whole trip saying, "Look at those flowers" and "Look at all those bluebonnets". Bobby acted like I was annoying him, but soon got overwhelmed by the beauty of it all and was joining in with me! I told him that we needed to get a picture in them! Surprisingly he agreed to a picture or two, but I knew I had a slim chance of getting any. Much to my surprise we got a couple!
With my black dress you can't hardly tell how pregnant I am! This is at 36 weeks. I cannot believe that he is scheduled to be here in 4 short weeks! Wow!
I didn't get any other pictures. I guess getting so caught up in the scenery, I didn't think to take any... that or pregnancy brain! But now I am wishing I had captured a few! {Even though pictures don't do near enough justice to how pretty it really is!}
What a wonderful weekend to remember what Christ did for me {us} and how unworthy, but grateful I am for that gift! Praise the Lord he is risen!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Week 34 & 35 catchup!
Time for some catch up!
Speaking of cantalopes... its about that time of year! Little "lope" plants {as my husband calls them} have gone in the ground! It's garden season!!
I was given yet another shower. We are so extremely blessed! The ladies at worked all pooled in together and got me some really great things! It was such a fun shower with games and all!! Plus my sweet friend that put it all together had this adorable cake made for me!
We had our booth set up at Petticoats on the Prairie in Ballinger, Texas! It was fun! We got to do a little shopping and visiting! {Here is a snap of our booth!}
I got a gift in the mail from my sweet friend, Jessie! She did some Etsy shopping for me! I love all of it! There is a crocheted set of wrangler bottoms, boot and a hat!, monthly stickers for pictures, a "Made in Texas" onesie and a print of a woodland alphabet!I'm so excited about all of these! Won't be long until I can stick him in them!
I am now at 35 weeks! Friday marks a month from his due date!! He is the size of a honey dew melon! His kidneys are fully functional and his liver can process some waste products. Mainly we just have the lungs to finish developing and then he will be ready to join this world!
I am most anxious about seeing what he will look like! I'm pretty sure he will look a lot like his daddy, but I know he will be his own little look! Exciting!
I am getting ready though! I have his nursery {mostly} in order!
Speaking of cantalopes... its about that time of year! Little "lope" plants {as my husband calls them} have gone in the ground! It's garden season!!
I was given yet another shower. We are so extremely blessed! The ladies at worked all pooled in together and got me some really great things! It was such a fun shower with games and all!! Plus my sweet friend that put it all together had this adorable cake made for me!
We had our booth set up at Petticoats on the Prairie in Ballinger, Texas! It was fun! We got to do a little shopping and visiting! {Here is a snap of our booth!}
I got a gift in the mail from my sweet friend, Jessie! She did some Etsy shopping for me! I love all of it! There is a crocheted set of wrangler bottoms, boot and a hat!, monthly stickers for pictures, a "Made in Texas" onesie and a print of a woodland alphabet!I'm so excited about all of these! Won't be long until I can stick him in them!
I am most anxious about seeing what he will look like! I'm pretty sure he will look a lot like his daddy, but I know he will be his own little look! Exciting!
I am getting ready though! I have his nursery {mostly} in order!

I still have yet to get his book shelf made. I have a pile of books ready to put on it! I am going to try and work on that this week and maybe by the end of next week it will be finished!! Need to get his daddy motivated to help me!!
Other then that, this are pretty much the same. Doc said last week he is still measuring right on track! I am still enjoying his little kicks and movements! Plus they seem to have increased! He moves ALL the time! Maybe he is just stronger and I am more aware of his kicks! I also cannot wear my wedding rings any more! With the temperatures rising.... along with my weight.... some swelling has been going on! It's a good excuse to prop my feet up, though!!
This weekend we are off to move some cattle and celebrate Easter (and a wedding) with family! Plus I get to bring my highchair and stroller home! {This kid has so much stuff already!}
Happy Easter Weekend!
Friday, April 4, 2014
Week 33.
I had meant to do this the beginning of the week, but we've had a very busy week.
Monday was normal, but we got up early on Tuesday (like 3:45 in the morning early) to head to New Mexico to go pick up bulls! I took the day off cause I didn't want to miss out on the excitement! And I'm so glad I went. Even after spending the entire day in the truck and getting swollen ankles and feet, it was worth it.
First stop was Carslbad, NM. We headed to the ranch to pick out bulls! The maps app on my phone said it would take 4 hours, but it was just over 3. So we were there a bit earlier then we thought. Plus, we didn't even think about loosing an hour and it was even earlier for them! Thankfully they are morning people and were up when we got there! Since it was so early, they invited us in for coffee! It was so refreshing talking with people who love the Lord about the Lord. Not a typical day!
After visiting for a little while we went down to the pens to do what we were there to do! We met their son who works on the ranch with them. He was so nice, too, and we enjoyed the morning visiting and sorting through bulls! We found the ones we wanted, got loaded up, business complete and then hit the road! Just 4 more hours and we will be home!
A few potty breaks, McDonald's breakfast and many cat naps, and we were home!Time to put these boys with their new girlfriends! Let's just say he's one happy camper! Bobby said, "Now that is the definition of happy, happy, happy!" {This coming right after we listened to Phil Robertson's book on tape!}
The heifers were happy too, but not so happy when they found out we didn't bring feed with us! But I think they like their new boyfriend!
After eating a quick bit to eat, we headed to Alpine to take a trailer back to it's owner. That's a 6 hour round trip! Let me tell you this preggers was tired! {This is probably the closest thing to a 'baby-moon" as we will get! Bobby probably doesn't even know what that is and would most definitely say that a "baby-moon" is ridiculous!}
And I had to drop Bobby off at the tractor the next day so he could move to another field. It was cool watching him fold the 16 row plow {think he might call it a lister bar} up! They made that last year and so it's cool to see them use it!
With "jet-lag" I was behind on getting this other stuff done... like updating my blog! So here is my weekly update!
Sorry for the awful picture of a pineapple and lighting! My camera's flash is not wanting to work!
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 35... yikes!
Maternity Clothes? Yes, nothing pre-pregnancy is really fitting!
Stretch marks? No. I'm keeping oiled up!
Sleep? Good and through the night!
Best Moment this week? Umm... just love feeling him move!
Miss anything? Fitting clothes, laying on my belly...
Movement? Him stretching out completely.
Food Cravings? Love chocolate milk!
Gender? Boy
Labor Signs? Not really! But I'm definitely feeling bigger!
Belly Button? IN. Almost non-existent though!
Rings off/on? Very snug... this warmer weather! I can't hardly get them on!
Happy/Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to? Enjoying these last few weeks as just Bobby and I!
Happy Friday! Have a good'n!
Monday was normal, but we got up early on Tuesday (like 3:45 in the morning early) to head to New Mexico to go pick up bulls! I took the day off cause I didn't want to miss out on the excitement! And I'm so glad I went. Even after spending the entire day in the truck and getting swollen ankles and feet, it was worth it.
First stop was Carslbad, NM. We headed to the ranch to pick out bulls! The maps app on my phone said it would take 4 hours, but it was just over 3. So we were there a bit earlier then we thought. Plus, we didn't even think about loosing an hour and it was even earlier for them! Thankfully they are morning people and were up when we got there! Since it was so early, they invited us in for coffee! It was so refreshing talking with people who love the Lord about the Lord. Not a typical day!
After visiting for a little while we went down to the pens to do what we were there to do! We met their son who works on the ranch with them. He was so nice, too, and we enjoyed the morning visiting and sorting through bulls! We found the ones we wanted, got loaded up, business complete and then hit the road! Just 4 more hours and we will be home!
A few potty breaks, McDonald's breakfast and many cat naps, and we were home!Time to put these boys with their new girlfriends! Let's just say he's one happy camper! Bobby said, "Now that is the definition of happy, happy, happy!" {This coming right after we listened to Phil Robertson's book on tape!}
The heifers were happy too, but not so happy when they found out we didn't bring feed with us! But I think they like their new boyfriend!
After eating a quick bit to eat, we headed to Alpine to take a trailer back to it's owner. That's a 6 hour round trip! Let me tell you this preggers was tired! {This is probably the closest thing to a 'baby-moon" as we will get! Bobby probably doesn't even know what that is and would most definitely say that a "baby-moon" is ridiculous!}
And I had to drop Bobby off at the tractor the next day so he could move to another field. It was cool watching him fold the 16 row plow {think he might call it a lister bar} up! They made that last year and so it's cool to see them use it!
With "jet-lag" I was behind on getting this other stuff done... like updating my blog! So here is my weekly update!
Sorry for the awful picture of a pineapple and lighting! My camera's flash is not wanting to work!
How far along? 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 35... yikes!
Maternity Clothes? Yes, nothing pre-pregnancy is really fitting!
Stretch marks? No. I'm keeping oiled up!
Sleep? Good and through the night!
Best Moment this week? Umm... just love feeling him move!
Miss anything? Fitting clothes, laying on my belly...
Movement? Him stretching out completely.
Food Cravings? Love chocolate milk!
Gender? Boy
Labor Signs? Not really! But I'm definitely feeling bigger!
Belly Button? IN. Almost non-existent though!
Rings off/on? Very snug... this warmer weather! I can't hardly get them on!
Happy/Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to? Enjoying these last few weeks as just Bobby and I!
Happy Friday! Have a good'n!
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